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Plugin de Consentimiento de Cookies

Deja que tus visitantes sepan que estás recopilando información utilizando el plugin de consentimiento de cookies de SITE123. Activa la herramienta y notifica a tus clientes hoy mismo.

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Añade el Consentimiento de Cookies a Tu Sitio

Asegúrate de informar a tus visitantes si estás recopilando información sobre sus preferencias utilizando el plugin de consentimiento de cookies. En muchos países, el uso de cookies en los sitios web conlleva la obligación de cumplir con ciertos requisitos legales. Algunas leyes te exigen proporcionar información detallada sobre cómo utilizas las cookies en tu sitio web, obteniendo el consentimiento previo y claro del visitante para usar cookies, es decir, el consentimiento de cookies. SITE123 ofrece un plugin que hace esto de manera automática para ti.

Write Your Own Cookie Messages

With this feature, you can write the message that pops up for cookie consent. This means you can explain in your own words what cookies do and why your site uses them. It's a great way to make sure your visitors understand and feel comfortable with your site's use of cookies. Also, it's helpful for making sure your website follows international cookie laws. It shows your visitors that you care about their privacy and are serious about following data protection rules. This helps build trust and makes your site more professional.

Customize the Dismiss Button

You're not just stuck with a standard 'Got it' button. SITE123 lets you change the text of the button that people click to agree to cookies. This is a small but important detail that helps make things clearer for your visitors. You can use words that fit your site's style and make the meaning crystal clear.

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